Dimension of Confusion & Order

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Space City, Texas, United States
I am a crazy gemini with 2 personalities living in a mundane world. It just can't handle my craziness! Intense work of art, forever evolving and moving closer to serene pastures. On an interesting journey but enjoying the ride! Get to know a little about me but leave your judgments at the door and never think you've seen the full picture of who I am! I am yet a paradigm of complex designs that can't be summarized by the readings of a few passages.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Motherfuckers Always Want Something For Nothing

Wow, so having riots & camping out 2 days for Section 8 housing APPLICATIONS is what's hot in the streets right now? I was so pissed when I saw this video. It made me many moons past happy that I no longer live in the A! How embarassing, as an African American to see such utter display of niggatry. This is why I sometimes have great disdain for being black. I like how the media showed one isolated white woman in efforts to dismiss comments regarding a racist propaganda that could have been potentially thrown at them.

Regardless, it was mainly "them," "those kind of blacks," or the one lone "trailer park trash," they showed, "them" because I do not relate to this people. "These people" make me sick to my stomach! Pushing, shoving, grabbing, begging, rocking vehicles over a damn application! Every last one of the freeloaders in this country, regardless of race, that take advantage of the system. Those that sit on the asses content with the government, the government I pay taxes to, taking care of them and their kids. The same government that hasn't ever given me any kind of assistance, not at birth, not as a child, not as an adult. The same government that takes 25% of my income for bullshit I will never benefit from.

As a child, my parents weren't well off by any stretch of the imagination but my dad worked hard. He worked two jobs for a long while as I was growing up. He'd run in the house from one, change clothes & out the door for the other in 10 mins. He didn't have a degree at the time, but he didn't sit on his ass just because he couldn't command (X) amount of dollars. No, he realized he had a stay at home wife with two kids, so he got off his ass!!!!

So fuck these freeloaders, put the same amount of effort into going to work every fucking day like the rest of us, or working 2 jobs to get ahead. You are nothing more than a living piece of shit if you continue having kids that you cannot afford and use them as pawns for a monthly check/stipend/voucher that you didn't do a damn thing to earn.

My mind can't even begin to wrap around the idea of wanting to live like this, or even just being content doing so. I'd be willing to bet 95% of the people out there begging are able bodied. Why not want more for your life? Oh that's right, you want fake LV bags, Coach purses, platinum grills, Wii consoles, iphones, the hottest shoe on the market, to hook up your raggedy car with the biggest, shiniest rims...name brand EVERYTHING but want the government (i.e. myself and the rest of the hard working citizens that fund it) to pay for your housing and food!

Now I don't mean to belittle anyone who sincerely needs government assistance. And I know everyone's situation and needs aren't the same or can be generalized in a statement. I realize the economy is fucked up but use it for a leg up, not dependent upon it! Camping out 2 days for a housing application, a 2 pg document, is some bullshit! Take your ass to work! I, more understand assistance for child-care WHILE you work rather than sitting on your ass not working just so you can continue getting assistance!

Thank you media, for highlighting all of this bullshit. Thank you WSHH for posting all the stupid shit ghetto black people engage in. And a special thanks to those who engage in such niggatry, for making it harder and harder for the rest of us to overcome these stereotypes upon first impressions.

1 comment:

  1. LMFAO at the lone trailer park trash that showed up. At least we know they aren't discriminating. :D

    Seriously though, my jaw dropped watching this. It's as though this was a third world country. And even then my jaw would still drop. There is no excuse for this behaviour. And as you wrote, nobody should be striving to live in Section 8!
