Dimension of Confusion & Order

My photo
Space City, Texas, United States
I am a crazy gemini with 2 personalities living in a mundane world. It just can't handle my craziness! Intense work of art, forever evolving and moving closer to serene pastures. On an interesting journey but enjoying the ride! Get to know a little about me but leave your judgments at the door and never think you've seen the full picture of who I am! I am yet a paradigm of complex designs that can't be summarized by the readings of a few passages.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Everyone's Getting a Tumblr...

*JuiceeShrug* I started to jump on the tumblr bandwagon but why? I ♥ my blogspot and it's neglected enough as is. Indeed, some trends are to be ignored!

I was reading over my previous posts, as I tend to do when my last entry has been many moons prior. And Oh-My-God so much of my life has changed. Hardly anything about it, is the same from 6 months ago. Let's see, I no longer live in Atlanta, I completely and utterly washed my hands of a four year "intimate-ship" with my lover, and I don't have any source of income since I left my job to move back to Texas!

Change is good....most days!


  1. We rockin in the SAME damn boat, baby love! Its cool though. We'll BOTH find a damn good job, so no worries =]

  2. Thanks Joni!!!!! I'm kinda too lazy to even look right now #issues #mybankaccountMAD

  3. So why dont you get both nd post your blog to both maam...I was thinking about it!

  4. ohhh B, that's just waaaaaaaay too much work!
