Dimension of Confusion & Order

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Space City, Texas, United States
I am a crazy gemini with 2 personalities living in a mundane world. It just can't handle my craziness! Intense work of art, forever evolving and moving closer to serene pastures. On an interesting journey but enjoying the ride! Get to know a little about me but leave your judgments at the door and never think you've seen the full picture of who I am! I am yet a paradigm of complex designs that can't be summarized by the readings of a few passages.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

BABS & Steve McNair

Lawd I think I've heard so many people make negative comments about Steve McNair's death that I'm considering openly admitting to wanting to shoot THEM in the head. If I hear one more damn person say he got what he deserved, I think I'm just gon slap the hell out of them if they are in arm's length (just like the mama did on that Martin Lawrence flick "Nothing to Lose").

Who the fuck gave you authority over life or death? Are you, yourself, that pure in nature and heart that you haven't done anything people would judge negatively? Look at your own demons, work on them because for you to say some fucked up shit like that, means you have plenty of them.

Observation: I've heard more than a fair share of women saying this. He cheated & lied on/to his wife, he deserved what he got. WTF kinda logic is that? If someone DESERVED to get shot twice in both the head & chest for lying and/or cheating, would there be any fucking men alive? Deciding to stand back and read or listen to these women vs. debating, I've noticed a trend. I've coined these females BABs - Bitter Ass Broads!!! They are nothing more than women who've been cheated on, lied to and dogged out (I don't mean to generalize here, surely we know this doesn't apply to all of them). But honey we've all been there but no one deserves to die because they are unfaithful to their spouse. What fuckin planet do you exist on? There are far worse crimes. I'm not belittling the act of adultery but to be comfortable with saying its punishment should be death probably means you have A LOT of baggage from the men in your past.

Bag lady, you gon hurt your back....dragging all them bags like that!!!

I honestly don't see how anyone (male or female) can justify this statement. Was Steve McNair wrong? Hell yeah...he cheated on his wife, he hooked up with a mentally disturbed young girl, he probably made a hundred and one promises to this nut. He was MORALLY wrong, sure....but can you really judge unless you're the one being cheated on.

Did he deserve to get killed over a bad decision...hell no!!! And if you think so, fuck you and maybe you'll die when you make them since you seem to think that's an appropriate punishment. *Woo saaa* I don't wish death on anyone and that's not the point here. He didn't kill anyone, he didn't molest a child...he had an affair, nothing more, nothing less.

Maybe, just maybe you'll stop being an asshole and have sympathy for a wife, 4 kids & the rest of his family that will never see him again because of that bad decision. No other commentary needed from you or I.


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