Dimension of Confusion & Order

My photo
Space City, Texas, United States
I am a crazy gemini with 2 personalities living in a mundane world. It just can't handle my craziness! Intense work of art, forever evolving and moving closer to serene pastures. On an interesting journey but enjoying the ride! Get to know a little about me but leave your judgments at the door and never think you've seen the full picture of who I am! I am yet a paradigm of complex designs that can't be summarized by the readings of a few passages.

Monday, February 16, 2009


primarily internet addiction.

I'm an addict! I freely admit it...(que IAA (Internet Addiction Anonymous) Meeting introduction)...

"Hi, I'm Tisha also known as JuiceeGaPeach, aka naughtyjuiceepeach, aka houstonbunny25, aka TxBlueBonnet2JuiceeGaPeach aka miss_tish etc. etc....and CLEARLY I'm addicted to the internet"

......(que fellow addiction members) "Hiiiiiiiiii person with 10 online aliases"

I first learned of the many joys of the internet as a senior in high school. I remember the days where we'd all be in the library on the computers waiting for the bell to ring. No Myspace/Facebook then but I remember chatting it up with other school age kids. The same behavior followed me to college. Who doesn't remember collegeclub.com?!?! Does it still exist? It was a way for many of us to stay connected with old classmates as well as get to know other students all around the world.

Fast forward post graduation and the dawn of a million and FIVE social networking sites! Many of which I've joined, unjoined, still currently log in to. Add constant checking of the email (before I bought a Blackberry), chatting, paying bills, checking my bank statements......everyday! Some days I'd rather stay at home next to my laptop and movie collection than go out with friends.

I'm addicted and I'm ashamed!

I don't need 12 steps to fix this addiction.......

I just need to......



  1. lol it all started with hi5 for me, then myabe (wasnt addicted to friendster), and now all my real & old friends are on facebook, and blog... it's over for me.

  2. ya know it started with yahoo chat rooms for me and then just kind of grew now my day isn't right unless I'm on my laptop. There is nothing else to do now if I lived in a great city with cultural and fun things to do, with fab friends, and social events always popping off then yea the laptop would be on the back burner but until that happens it's just me and the laptop.

  3. I'm not ready to un plug yet :( lmao good luck with it though ;)
